On October 19th, Lisa and I attended the first ever Agape Pregnancy Center Open House to see what they are doing, how we can help, and continue our partnership in this local outreach to mothers and fathers of unexpected children. We were so elated to be there and the more we saw, the more excited we got.
Our tour started right outside the front door of the Martin Luther King building where we were met by Executive Director, Leanna Simpson. She was so happy that we were there to celebrate this with her. She was happy to inform us that through Calvary Chapel Des Moines' latest financial gift as well as the full crib, we became a church partner in support of their cause to help pregnant and new mothers in the area. As we walked through the main building and the different counselling and screening rooms, Leanna told us what they focus on with those who come in for help.
At the end of our tour upstairs in the main building, Leanna gave directions downstairs to see Pastor Gary Hoyt, Director of Church & Community Relations, who was very anxious to see us.
We shortly found out why we had to enter the basement through the outside. They are in the process of remodeling the entire basement area and installing an elevator to eliminate the need to enter from the outside. Years ago, the basement was the location of the Agape Thrift Store, where women could buy baby items at a discounted price. But in 2008, the store got flooded out, and because of other flooding problems, it was unusable space. Since then, they dug out the parking lot and created an anti-flood zone to prevent that from happening again. Because of this, they were able to use the space for their new Family Community Center, where families meet the body of Christ through fellowship. Gary told us it was always the plan to have churches come alongside Agape and host family fun nights, women's & men's groups, educational events, Bible studies, and holiday meals to spend time with those who come to Agape for help. This is where you, Calvary Chapel Des Moines come in to merge with Agape and minister to the recovering with the love of Christ in a safe and family-friendly environment.
Gary got choked up as he shared his passion and potential for the Family Community Center for the church to come and minister through Agape. During the abortion segment of our Prayer Week for the Nation event, Pastor Brent prayed that Calvary Chapel Des Moines would be filled with so many babies saved that we would outgrow our nursery. Imagine if this is the catalyst to make that happen! Construction is set to be finished in November, and they are already planning their first event: a Christmas party the Tuesday before Christmas to celebrate His birth. Church, let's be their hands and feet for this event -- serving tables, making food, and sharing the gospel as we come alongside Agape!
As the Family Community Center started getting more tourists, Gary and I exchanged business cards and we were off to the last part of the tour: The Agape Resource Center on Bennett Ave.
What looks like a normal house behind the Agape Pregnancy Center is the home of the Resource Center. Here women can get training and equipped to be mothers, as well as physical resources like diapers, clothing, formula, and more. They even have full kitchen and laundry room so that moms raise healthy babies as they become healthier parents.
But necessities, training, and resources doesn't stop here with the women, but also feeds the dads as well. Upstairs, we talked with Fatherhood Coordinator, Pastor Bill Mars. While the moms are learning how to be mom's downstairs, the dads sit with him upstairs on a regular basis as he teaches them how to be a dad and a leader of the home. I was overjoyed when he said the program with between 15 to 20 men. A year later, the Fatherhood Program has grown to over 68 men learning how to be dads and raising their kids in a home where that normally was not taught! God is awesome!
As our time was wrapping up, we were overjoyed as to how God is using this place to save babies from abortion and neglect, and saving the souls of moms and dads as well. As you can see our donations of time, money, and materials are going to a great cause that just keeps getting better, stronger, and more impactful to the community. With the new Family Community Center, we have the potential to make a huge investment in the kingdom of God at Agape Pregnancy Center. I will be meeting with Pastor Gary Hoyt soon to see how we can do that. Let's be the hands and feet of Christ, and together, we can inspire Des Moines to walk with God.