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At CCDM, it is our aim to help every believer grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus  As we grow, God reveals the unique gifts that He has placed in each one of us.  When we find our gifts, we must put them to good use as a faithful steward. 


Below you will find a list of ministries at CCDM to help you grow in Christ, fellowship with the body and serve both with your gifts.  If you see something here that excites you, speak up...there may a need that God would like you to fill.  Thanks for serving!

Kids Blowing Bubbles
Children's Ministry

What an awesome way to serve the Lord!  Kids ministry provides a fun, fast-paced and energetic atmosphere to make disciples.  Travel through the Bible with crafts, coloring pages, scripture memory and story time.  If you get done early, head out for a little time on the playground.  But, be might learn more from them than they learn from you.

Youth Group

Junior High and High School can be a very challenging time for a young Christian but you don't have to go through it alone. Youth group at CCDM is a Christ-centered training ground for the next generation of church leaders but not without the typical fun and shenanigans that keep them coming back.

Group of Friends Going on Excursion
Young Adults Ministry: Y.A.M.S.

Who likes Yams?  Do you like Yams?  At CCDM, we love Yams! Yams stands for the "Young Adult Ministry"  We meet on a semi-regular basis to encourage each other as we transition from teen to adult. Emphasis in this ministry includes moving from being served to being the servant.

Worship Ministry

Has God gifted you with the ability to lead the body of Christ to His throne in Spirit-filled worship through music?  We are all called to lift the name of the Lord on high but some are set apart with the gift to lead others into His presence.  Talk to Tracey if you would like to be considered for the worship team.


Scrubbing the Sink
Servant / Maintenance Ministries

These "behind the scenes" ministries serve as a vital part of who we are and what we do. Volunteers are typically scheduled once a month in areas such as ushers, greeters, cleaning, maintenance, landscape, pre-service snacks etc. Volunteers are partnered with others so you're never alone but days and times are typically flexible allowing for participation despite the busiest of schedules. A great way to get involved!

Meals Ministry

From time to time, we all need a little help. One way we try to lift the burden is providing meals to those in need.  Whether it's the birth of a child or the loss of a job or loved one, meals ministry seeks to be there for support. If God has given you the gift of mercy or you just love to cook for others, this is the place for you.  Let us know so we can add you to the team!

Des Moines

(515) 282-6914

606 E. 9th St.

Des Moines, IA 50309

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