Inspiring the
World to
Walk with God
What We Believe
Calvary Chapel Des Moines was formed as a fellowship of Christian believers to sincerely worship
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; to know Jesus Christ and to be conformed into His image by
the power of the Holy Spirit; to equip the body of Christ for the work of ministry; to serve the local
community in every possible Christian way; to share the Love and Gospel message of Jesus Christ
through our words and actions.
1. The Bible is the only inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of
God and inerrant in the original writings.
2. There is one true and living God, eternally existing in three
persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. God the Father is an infinite, personal Spirit; perfect in
holiness, wisdom, power, and love. He concerns Himself mercifully in
the affairs of men. He hears and answers prayer. He saves everyone
from sin and death that come to Him through Jesus Christ.
4. God the Son is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was conceived
by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin birth. He is fully God and
fully man. We believe in His sinless life, His miracles, His
vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily
resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His
perpetual intercession for His people, and His visible second coming
to judge the world and begin His one thousand year reign.
5. God the Holy Spirit was sent by God to comfort us and indwell in
us. He empowers all true believers to become witnesses for Jesus
Christ and He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement.
It is through the Holy Spirit that Christians are sanctified,
regenerated, taught, guided, and enabled to live godly lives. The
Biblical gifts of the Holy Spirit continue today for the edification
of the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit conducts Himself decently and
in order.
6. All people are sinners by nature and choice, therefore separated
from God and under condemnation. The lost and sinful man must be
saved from this condemnation state and his only hope for salvation is
through the redemption by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
7. There is the resurrection of both the saved and the lost. Those who
are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto
the resurrection of damnation.
8. All true, regenerated persons are part of the spiritual Body of
Christ of which Christ Himself is the head. All believers are
spiritually united in our Lord Jesus Christ. The only true basis for
Christian fellowship is in His agape love, which is greater than any
differences we may possess and without which we have no right to claim
ourselves as Christians.
Calvary Chapel Des Moines is affiliated with Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, CA.